Welcome to a new series here at Shepherding the Lambs.
Once a month, with the help of my eldest daughter, we'll present to you a summary and review of a book that is very much enjoyed by our family.
Once a month, with the help of my eldest daughter, we'll present to you a summary and review of a book that is very much enjoyed by our family.
We love to read at our house and would continually be adding to our already large collection of books, if it weren't for financial contraints. We do shop thrift stores and add to our shelves occasionally, but not nearly often enough to satisfy the voracious appetites of all the readers here!
Enter Gutenberg.org, or, Project Gutenberg; a free website that shares books in digital format that are no longer under copyright restrictions in the United States. (ie. Books in the Public Domain.) They offer many options from HTML, to .txt, and even .mobi and ePub, which you can view on your Kindle or other eReader.
You can read all about the origins of this wonderful enterprise here, and then enjoy the first review we have to share; a fun tale of a Norwegian farm girl and the life she lives on Hoel Farm.
Enter Gutenberg.org, or, Project Gutenberg; a free website that shares books in digital format that are no longer under copyright restrictions in the United States. (ie. Books in the Public Domain.) They offer many options from HTML, to .txt, and even .mobi and ePub, which you can view on your Kindle or other eReader.
You can read all about the origins of this wonderful enterprise here, and then enjoy the first review we have to share; a fun tale of a Norwegian farm girl and the life she lives on Hoel Farm.
by: Hans Aanrud
by: Hans Aanrud